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  رقم المشاركة : ( 1 )  
قديم 02 - 07 - 2012, 11:12 AM
الصورة الرمزية محتاجه لايدك ياربى
محتاجه لايدك ياربى Female
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  محتاجه لايدك ياربى غير متواجد حالياً  
الملف الشخصي
رقــم العضويـــة : 31
تـاريخ التسجيـل : May 2012
العــــــــمـــــــــر :
الـــــدولـــــــــــة : مصــر
المشاركـــــــات : 13,976

ايقونات وتماثيل للعدرا تبكى

ايقونات وتماثيل للعدرا تبكى

تمثال العذراء مريم يبكى - بنجلاديش 2003

يوم الأحد الموافق 16 فبراير 2003، كان بالتأكيد يوماً لن ينساه المسيحيين فى بنجلاديش، فهو اليوم الذى زحف فيه الآف المواطنين فى بنجلاديش إلى كاتدرائيه العذراء مريم فى ميناء "شيتا جونج" عندما سمعوا قصة تمثال العذراء مريم الموجود بالكنيسة يبكى .. نعم لقد وجدوه يبكى !
[أنظر العينين و الذقن - هذه الصور أخذت يوم 17 فبراير 2003].

(تمثال العذراء مريم محاط بالزجاج و حوله يتجمع الناس للصلاة و مشاهدة هذه المعجزة المبهرة)

[ملاحظة حتى لا يختلط الأمر على غير المسيحيين ، نحن لا نعبد هذا التمثال أو أى تمثال ولكنها بركة و تعزية عظيمة لنفوسنا أن تحدث معجزة رائعة كهذه لتزيد من أيماننا وتؤكد أننا نسير فى الطريق الصحيح .]

هذه المعجزة لم يشاهدها و يشهد عليها المسيحيون فقط .. بل شاهدها أيضاً العديد من المسلمون و الهندوس ، و هذه هى المرة الأولى التى تحدث فى بنجلاديش، هذا التمثال أيضاً وجدوا أن رموش العذراء قد تحركت أكثر من مرة، و هذا قد ظهر بوضوح فى أحد تسجيلات الفيديو التى سجلها زوار الكنيسة، و الطريف أن العديد من الزوار الغير مسيحين قد شفوا من أمراضهم بعد زيارتهم لهذا التمثال .. إنها بالتأكيد معجزة فى بنجلاديش تظهر النور لمن يعيش فى الظلام .

العديد من وكالات الأخبار العالمية قد قدمت تقارير مفصلة عن هذه المعجزة ، نذكر من عناوين الأخبار :

News Headlines : Bangladeshis flock to 'Weeping Virgin' - BBC / Hundreds flock to see Virgin Mary statue weep in Bangladesh - Ananova / 'Weeping' statue draws crowds - AP & canoe.ca / Statue's Tears Draw Thousands - Yahoo Daily News

وفيما يلى بعض من التقارير الأخبارية من وكالات الأنباء :

Reuters :

Statue's Tears Draw Thousands - Wed February 19, 2003 10:01 AM ET

CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh (Reuters) - Hundreds of people are thronging a Roman Catholic church in Bangladesh for a glimpse of a statue of Mary, the mother of Christ, that appears to be weeping.
Parishioners saw what they took to be teardrops in the eyes of the statue, at Patharghata in southeastern Chittagong, late on Sunday and visitors have streamed in since.
"I myself have seen drops just below the eyes of the statue... The source of the drops is still unknown," said Ronald Gomes, a Roman Catholic who is deputy administrator of the Association of Baptists, a non-government group in Chittagong.
Christians make up less than one percent of the predominantly Muslim population of 131 million.
"Many people, irrespective of religion, are still crowding the church and the authorities have called in police to maintain order," Gomes told Reuters on Tuesday.
Scientists were skeptical. "It is hard to believe that a marble statue can secrete water," said S. K. Sinha, a professor in the chemistry department of Chittagong University.
The statue, chiseled in Italy and installed at the 150-year-old church in 1955, has been the focal point for prayer for the tiny Christian community in the port city.
Church authorities had no explanation of the phenomenon.
"We are trying to ascertain the cause," local bishop Patrick Rosario told reporters late on Monday.

BBC News :

Read the full story here

By Alastair Lawson, BBC correspondent in Dhaka

Thousands of people in the Bangladeshi port city of Chittagong are flocking to a Roman Catholic church where tears are reported to have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.
Many of those visiting the church are Muslims, eager to see what some locals believe is a sign of the Virgin's dismay over the recent outbreak of violence in the country and elsewhere in the world.
Roman Catholic believers say it is the first time in Bangladesh that tears have been seen on a statue of the Virgin Mary.
In a country which is overwhelmingly Muslim, it is unusual for a symbol of the Christian faith to attract much interest.
But so many people are gathering outside the Chittagong church that police have been deployed to ensure law and order is maintained.
Muslims are queuing to see the statue even though the Koran warns believers against showing an interest in religious idols.
Roman Catholics in Chittagong say that most people are queuing up to see the statue because they are inquisitive.
Around 90% of Bangladesh's 130 million population is Muslim.
In Chittagong, the second-largest city in the country, there are only around 8,000 Christians in a city of over four million people.
Many churchgoers claim the cause of the Virgin Mary's tears is recent outbreaks of violence in Bangladesh.
They point out that she has had a lot to be upset about in the last week alone.
On Monday, five people were gunned down in local election violence in the south-western district of Jhenida and, before that, there were a series of bomb explosions in the northern town of Dinajpur.
Scientists have already said that one possible explanation for the tears is the fact that the marble statue is kept in a glass case, which could lead to condensation appearing on the Virgin Mary's face.


Hundreds flock to see Virgin Mary statue weep in Bangladesh

Story filed: 08:48 Tuesday 18th February 2003
Hundreds of people have flocked to a church in Bangladesh to witness the 'miracle' of tears rolling down the cheeks of a statue of the Virgin Mary.
The crowds gathered after a guard at the Catholic Church at Patherghata near the port city of Chittagong, reported tears on the marble statue.
The Bishop of the church and other clergymen have reportedly convened a meeting to investigate the phenomenon.
A police contingent has been deployed to control the rush of visitors to the church.
The statue was imported from Italy and installed in 1928 and has been kept in an airtight glass box.
Saroj Kanti Sinha Hazari, professor of Chemistry at Chittagong University, told the Bangladesh Independent: "Rolling down of water from a marble statue has no scientific basis. But some people in our country believe in such miracles."
But a spokesman for a local Catholic association claimed the Virgin was weeping to remind the people to pray for peace in a strife-torn world.

CNEWS |Canoe

CHITTAGONG, Bangladesh (AP) -- Tue, February 18, 2003

Hundreds of people have been flocking to see a marble statue of the Virgin Mary said to be weeping at a church in southeastern Bangladesh, news reports said Tuesday.
Worshippers noticed the white marble statue shedding tears after an evening mass at a 150-year-old Roman Catholic church in downtown Chittagong, the Janakantha newspaper reported.
The statue was brought from a church in Italy in 1955 to Chittagong, a port city 215 kilometres southeast of Bangladesh's capital, Dhaka.
As word spread, hundreds of people -- including Muslims, Hindus and Buddhists as well as Christians -- arrived to see the statue, the newspaper quoted church officials as saying. Police were deployed to control the crowd.
Reporters who visited the scene said they saw water droplets accumulating under the statue's eyes, and then dripping onto its chin.
"We don't know why tears are coming out of the statue," Janakantha quoted Father Philip de Rozario, the head priest at the church, as saying.
Church officials were to meet later to try and find an explanation, Rozario said.
مباركة أنتِ أيتها العذراء مريم البتول ، صلى من أجلنا ليرحمنا الله .

رد مع اقتباس

الانتقال السريع

قد تكون مهتم بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
أيقونة لا تبكي عليّ يا أمي (والدة الإله تبكي)
تبكي و تبكي و الله بَـ جبره يأتي
هيئة مرقس الإنجيلي | صور وتماثيل مارمرقس
مجسمات وتماثيل من الورق "تحفة "
ا تبكي ولا تضعف*...لا تبكي على مافات..فغداً يوم جديد..

الساعة الآن 04:15 AM

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